We want to thank everyone who came to Megaplex 2024 and helping make it our best con yet! We are always working on improving the con and we want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey.
Can you work magic on stage? Can you captivate the crowds?
Submit your DJ Submission at DJ Submission Form
Many of you have been asking for it for a while and now its finally here!
Submit your panel requests at Panel Submission
We know it's been a bit quiet and many of you can't wait for the magic. We are ready to escape into the new year and get things started. Here are some dates you should know.
Additionally, we plan to open up the DJ Application form soon but we need a little more time to work our magic on the new form.
Keep an eye on our twitter for any updates!!!
Do you like helping others? We have staff roles in everything from Food Service to Sound and Lighting to Security and even IT Services. We could use your help. Head on over to our Staff page for more details on how to apply.
1594 Three Day Attending
200 Sponsors
93 Super Sponsors
2 Mega Sponsors
4 Giga Sponsors
91 Staff
8 Board of Directors
86 Dealers
7 Guests
2 Guest of Honor
60 Friday Passes
355 Saturday Passes
55 Sunday Passes
45 Dance Passes
2602 Total
468 Fursuits in the Photo/Parade
$10,849.88 raised for C.A.R.E.