Dealers Den and Artist Alley

We recognize that vendors at our convention - either in the Dealer's Den or in Artist Alley - are a critical part of the overall Megaplex experience for our attendees. Therefore, we are working to help these venues be successful for everyone!

Dealer Applications for Megaplex are now Open. You can apply via our Dealer Application Form. This is a new system so you will need to setup a new account if you have not already done so sthis year. Please note we are no longer selecting dealers based off a first come first serve method. Dealers will have a until April 4, 2025 at 11:59PM ET to submit their applications after which a juried selection process will take place.

Attending Megaplex

What is the Dealers Den?

The Dealers Den is a gathering of some of the most talented crafters, writers, creators, artists, and artisans in the furry community! You can browse, talk to the dealers, and look for something special to take home with you! Generally, the same vendors will be in place during the convention and available so long as the Den is open! So, what are you waiting for? Go on… go take a look!

What is the Artist Alley?

The Artist Alley is a section within the Dealer's Den that features a diverse and ever-changing group of creators. Here, you can find everyone from aspiring new artists to fandom legends! It's good to swing by often as sellers come and go during the convention. Seriously, you should check it out!

What should I know before browsing and buying?

First, everyone in the Dealer's Den and Artist Alley, including vendors and attendees, is expected to follow the convention code of conduct. Due to space constraints, we may ask bystanders to make way for customers, especially during peak times. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have a problem or need to report something that isn't quite right, please look for a staff member or security, and we'll try to help you as best we can.
If you are purchasing something from the Adult Area of the Dealer's Den, it must remain bagged in a way that completely prevents minors from seeing what is inside, even partially. It must stay bagged so long as the attendee is within the public hotel or convention space, and failure to do so may result in the removal of an attendee from the convention and/or a ban from Megaplex in the future.

Any other tips and tricks?

  • Mornings will usually be busy, but it's often less crowded during events and in the afternoon.
  • If you commission artwork, exchange contact information with the artist so you can follow up with them later.
  • Please, be careful with what dealer's wares as you browse. For many dealers and artists here, this is their livelihood. Be kind.

Vending at Megaplex

Both dealers and artists are required to complete the following:
  • Read the Vendor Policies
    All sellers are required to abide by the Megaplex Vendor Policies and the Convention Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in being required to leave the vendor area.
  • Get a Florida Tax Certificate
    If you are not already a registered business in Florida, you need a Florida Sales Tax Certificate. This can be obtained over the phone, through postal service mail, or online. Explain that you want to collect sales tax as an exhibitor at a trade show. The Florida Department of Revenue will collect pertinent information from you and mail you a form with a return envelope. After the convention, you'll remit the collected sales tax using this envelope or pay electronically. Learn more about Florida Trade Show and Convention Exhibitors taxes
    Contact Info
    Florida Department Of Revenue, Orlando Branch
    Suite N302
    400 W Robinson St
    Orlando, FL 32801

    (407) 648-2905

Vending in the Dealer's Den

The Dealers Den at Megaplex is a gathering of some of the most talented crafters, writers, creators, artists, and artisans in the furry community! We have many more vendors applying than we could ever approve! So, being a part of that gathering is a process that starts well before the convention begins.

Questions to prepare yourself for the selling in the Dealer's den:

  • Is what you're selling closely related to the furry community or their interests?
  • Do you have enough inventory to sell to a large convention for three days?
  • Do you have a table or booth presentation that is professional, attractive, and appropriate for the general public?
  • Do you have enough help given my sales setup, product, and everything else you might need?
  • Do you need AC power from the hotel, or can you get by with portable battery power (USB chargers and power stations)?

Prepare to Apply

  • Familiarize yourself with Vending at Megaplex
    It is extremely important that you read through and complete the Vending at Megaplex section. Failure to comply may result in the loss of your Dealer's Den space and associated reservation costs.
  • Determine the space you need
    Sales Space Approx. Area (ft) Price1
    Table 623 x 623 (80in x 80in) $150
    Booth 12 x 10 (or 17 x 8)2 $250
    Double Booth 24 x 10 $430
    Triple Booth 36 x 10 $610
    The hotel provides tables that are approximately 6ft x 212ft (72in x 30in). In your application, please indicate how many tables you will need and how you plan to lay them out.

    Be careful not to exceed these measurements! We must keep some areas clear for fire safety.
  • Review your setup
    If this is your first time on Dealers Den or you're trying a new setup, please don't skip this critical step! It is a great help to those reviewing your application if they can see (via images) the booth or table setup you'll be bringing to the convention. So try it out! Take a picture of it. Make sure you can attach the banners and signs to your tables securely. Make sure your setup will be safe and can't tip over or doesn't have sharp edges!
  • Think through your application
    • What is your business or vendor name? This will appear on maps and our website, so consider it carefully.
    • Are you going to share your vendor space with someone else? If so, who? You'll need to give the convention a way to look them up.
    • Can you provide a history of your experience dealing at other conventions?
    • What's the best way to describe what you're selling or the services you offer?
    • Do you have a website where the application reviewers can see your product and table setup?
    • Is your product primarily of an adult (17 or over) nature?
  • Budget for Power
    AC Power is available from the hotel and can be purchased in advance. The cost will be $75 and must be paid by the dealer along with the table fees before the convention. Be aware that at the time of the convention, power may be added by the hotel, but the cost may be over $250.
    Please note that the hotel may not service the request at their discretion. If you need power, it's best to plan and pay in advance.
  • Plan your Stay
    General booking for the convention hotel opens March 5, 2025 at noon. If the general block is full or you are unable to book a stay for the amount of time you want, don't worry! Megaplex set aside a block of king and double queen rooms just for dealers! The link to book in this block will be provided upon selection of your dealer application.


  • Wait for the date
    The application will go live on March 19, 2025 at noon. To be notified when the application goes live, follow us on Telegram (General and Dealer announcements channel) and @MegaplexCon on Twitter.
  • Apply online
    The application process is not first come, first served. All applications during the application window will be considered equally. The application is currently live on our Registration System. Read every question and then answer carefully. Provide clear, concise, and complete information. This is your one shot at making a great impression on our reviewers. A jury will review the applications and base their selections on your product's quality, type, uniqueness, reputation within the fandom, and history with the convention. New vendors not yet fully established in the fandom should still apply, as Megaplex will select new and established dealers.
  • Wait for the word
    As mentioned above, we have a lot of applications to review and even deliberations that have to occur, so we ask for your patience. We genuinely care about bringing together the best group of vendors for Megaplex; those decisions take time. Applications go to a diverse set of Megaplex staff and leadership for review, and collectively, they decide who is selected.
  • Next Steps
    • If Selected
      Dealers do not owe any payment until selected or a table becomes available. Therefore, the seller should be ready to pay as soon as it does. Otherwise, the table will be forfeited to the next person on the waiting list. Please note: Dealer's slots include one (1) attendee-level registration as part of the package. Assistants or those sharing a table with you will need to purchase a registration separately.
    • If not Selected
      When all Dealer's Den tables are booked, further applicants will be placed on a waiting list from which additional dealers will be selected should slots become available. Also, Artist Alley could still be an option for you. However, please review that section CAREFULLY, as there are significant limitations on when you can vend and the size of the sales area.

Prepare to Vend at Megaplex

  • Assistants
    Make sure that your assistants or those you're sharing a table with have their own registration, and make plans to have them get their convention badges as early as possible once arriving at the hotel.
  • Special Requests
    If you have special requests, such as handicapped access, space for a large display, or proximity to another dealer, please let us know as soon as possible. We will try to honor as many special requests as we can. However, the denial of a special request is not grounds for a table refund. The earlier you tell us, the more likely we are to be able to fulfill a request.
  • Cancellation
    Cancellation of a dealer's table must be received via email at We can only offer a refund up to 120 days past the date you registered, after which we can only offer you a credit to apply for the following year. Unfortunately, we can not provide a refund after the pre-registration cut-off date. Canceled Dealer tables will be offered to the next person on the waiting list and cannot be transferred.

Load In

  • Finding the hotel
    The convention is held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, 9801 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819. It is easiest to access via Exit 1 on state road 528 (sometimes called the Bee-line or Beach line expressway).
  • Where to load in
    The loading zone for the Dealer's Den is reached by:
    1. Turning off of International Drive onto Convention Way headed NORTH. There is a (flat) horse statue at that intersection.
    2. Pass in front of the hotel and take the first left.
    3. There will be a large, wide one-way road with parking along the right side.
    4. The first loading dock is marked “Windermere Ballroom,” and this is where you will load into the Den.
  • What to have
    For you to load in, we need three essential pieces of information.
    • Proof that you are a selected vendor for Megaplex
    • A government issued photo ID to establish your identity
    • Your Florida Sale Tax Certificate or Florida Business License
    Dealers Den staff will only be supplied the assigned dealer's convention registration during check-in. Therefore, assistants must pick up their own badges at registration. Dealers will also be given two vendor badges which they must present to be granted access to the Dealer's Den before or after operating hours.

Attend and Vend

  • Security of the Vending Space
    The Dealer's Den room will be secured when closed. Hotel and/or convention security will be patrolling the area at all times. You should never leave cash or valuable goods at your table unattended, even overnight.
  • Early and Late Entry
    With the special vendor's badge added to your convention badge, access will be granted to the Dealer's Den approximately during the published load-in times and generally one hour before and after operating hours. Individuals without the vendor's badge will not be allowed access to the Den outside operating hours.
  • Power
    AC Power is available from the hotel and should be purchased in advance. At the time of the convention, power may be added by the hotel, but the fee will be $250. Please note that the hotel may elect to not service the request at their discretion.
  • Adult Area
    Megaplex has a special, screened area for adult vendors. Once leaving this area, adult material not suitable for minors must be bagged so that it completely hides the material so it cannot be seen, even partially, once outside the adult area.

Load Out

  • Leaving early
    Vendors who elect to depart the convention early must clear their table in a way that does not interfere with the activities of other sellers or the safety and enjoyment of Megaplex attendees. The table and surrounding area must be left in an “as found at check-in” condition because we may use that space in your absence.
  • Standard Load Out
    Dealers will be notified by public address when they may begin their load out. Vendors who require extra time will be allowed another two hours after closing ceremonies to vacate the convention space.
  • Where to load out
    This will be the same place you loaded in at.
  • Trash or Discards
    Trash areas will be designated in the Dealer's Den space during the tear-down. If you have display components you wish to discard or donate, please reach out to the Dealer's Den lead or assistants before doing so.
  • Exercise Care
    Please be careful when moving trucks and vehicles around the load-out space. Everyone is tired and has someplace to be, but everyone needs to be kept safe. Please look out for each other.

Vending in Artist Alley

The Artist Alley is a section within the Dealer's Den that features a diverse and ever-changing group of creators.

Is Artist Alley right for you?

  • Am I okay with vending only for a limited time with limited space?
  • Can I vend without hotel-provided power?

How Artist Alley Works at Megaplex

  • Types of Slots
    Artist Alley slots are broken into two types: Online Pre-Con Reservation slots purchased with your registration or At-Con Sign-up available during the convention. All spaces are for a half day and are designated as “Morning” and “Afternoon.” Most of the Artist Alley slots will be available for online reservation. Artist Alley spots are restricted to one person. Spaces may not be reserved on behalf of others.
  • The sales space
    Artist Alley table spaces are approximately 16 inches by 36 inches in size. The seller's belongings and displays must remain on the designated table or directly underneath the table. Floor stands, free-standing displays, or objects blocking the aisle are not allowed. Artists wanting a slot can pre-purchase as part of their preregistration while available.

Getting an Artist Alley Space

  • Reserve during Preregistration
    Online Pre-Con Reservation slots are guaranteed and are sold at the time of your convention registration. A Pre-Con Reservation slot is $10 per slot. If you reserve a space and do not show up by the time your slot starts, your space will be considered forfeited and could be given to someone else. No refunds will be provided after the close of online registration.
  • Lottery at the Convention
    At-Con Signup Artist Alley Slots made available during the convention are offered free of charge and are issued via a lottery selection method. Sign-up for the slot will open one hour before the slot start time. You must be present at the lottery time to receive a slot. Lotteries will be conducted daily thirty minutes before the opening of the time slot (morning and afternoon).

Prepare for Artist Alley

  • Familiarize yourself with Vending at Megaplex
    It is extremely important that you read through and complete the Vending at Megaplex section. Failure to comply may result in the loss of your Artist Alley space and associated reservation costs.
  • Test your setup at home
    Although a commercially attractive layout isn't a requirement on Artist Alley, it's still better to be prepared. First, see what kind of sales space you can set up in the space limitations stated above. For example, given the smaller table space, if you already have a full-size banner, that might not work.
  • Cancellation
    If your plans change, a courtesy cancellation of an Artist Alley space is appreciated. Please send such notices to email at We can only offer a refund up to 120 days past the date you registered, after which we can only offer you a credit to apply for the following year. We cannot provide a refund after the pre-registration cut-off date.

Attend and Vend

  • When to show up
    If you have a preregistered slot, please show up 15 minutes before it begins and check in with the Artist Alley lead.
    If you do not have a slot, please show up 1 hour before the shift starts to sign up.
  • Security of the Vending Space
    The Artist Alley space is a public area, and sellers are advised to exercise care regarding personal possessions or products. Hotel and/or convention security will be patrolling the area at all times. You should never leave cash or valuable goods at your table unattended.
  • Entry to the Alley
    The Artist Alley or Dealer's Den lead will meet you at the door of the Dealer's Den space, guide all of the artists in, and assign the sales tables. Their decisions are final as regards location.
  • Power
    Power is not available for Artist Alley.
  • Adult Area
    There is no Artist Alley space available in the adult vendor space of the Dealer's Den.
  • Maintain Contact
    If someone commissions you to do artwork for them, please exchange contact information with your commissioner so you can follow up with them later.

Leaving Artist Alley

  • Abandonment
    Spaces that appear to be abandoned after thirty minutes may be claimed by another artist with the approval of the Artist Alley or Dealer's Den Lead.
  • Departing at the End of Your Slot
    When your slot time is up, you must vacate your clean and ready table so the next artist can take the space. Please plan your clean-up accordingly. If your setup is simple, you may need no more than 5 minutes. If not, you may need longer. Courtesy is encouraged to ensure that all artists get the most out of their time.
  • Hours
    The Dealer's Den (and Artist Alley) hours may be altered, so the shift length isn't guaranteed to be the same day to day. The operational hours of the Artist Alley will be divided equally between a morning and afternoon shift, but the operating hours are at the discretion of Megaplex.