As many locations in the United States are updating or removing their mask requirements we felt that it was time to expand on our mask policy. As we have previously mentioned masks have been shown to be the first line of defense during this pandemic. With people coming from all over the nation we continue to feel that it is the right choice to continue to require masks to be worn inside the convention space at all times, in all areas such as Panel rooms, Main Ballroom, Registration Areas, Dealer Den, Zoo, dances and all pre-function hallways. The following are very limited exceptions to this policy, and only apply to those that have been fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated individuals need to wear masks with no exception.
A) During load in / Load out and set up of major event areas (Main ball room and dealer power and registration setups most notably). These areas are closed to the general convention public, and the only ones in these areas are staff with plenty of distance between them. This is mostly for safety, since verbal commands and instructions need to comprehensible.
B) Panelists / Performers. These people are distanced far away from the audience, well beyond the safety ranges for social distancing requirements. This again is for comprehension, since some attendees with hearing limitations may need the ability to lip read, or may have comprehension restrictions with mask muffled speech.
C) Fursuiters with head on. This is for a concern of heat safety while actively wearing fursuit head. Sweat will cause masks to saturate with moisture, making an already hot situation even worse with a breathing limitation of breathing through a saturated wet cloth. Fursuiters should carry their mask with them at all times, so that if they take their head off in any areas, including the headless lounge, they must immediately put the mask on. Fursuiters not wearing a mask inside head should keep 6 feet away from other attendees. (ie no hugs)
D) Masks may be removed if actively eating or drinking, however you must remain stationary. You may stop, sit at a table/chair/floor and eat or drink food that was purchased from the hotel. Masks may also be removed for the Sponsor Lunch and the Staff Dinner.
E) Areas outside of Megaplex's convention space will default to the hotel's overall policy, as those areas are not enforceable by Megaplex. Those areas include all the outside walkways, pool, lodge buildings and main lobby. Anyone that violates the hotel's policy may be forced to leave the hotel, and Megaplex will not offer any refunds for anyone that is ejected for violating a hotel policy. The latest COVID updates from the hotel can be found on the Hotel and COVID-19 Update page.